Abstract SYMPATHY IN MAN AND NATURE Author: Andrew Stewart CUNNINGHAM Degree: Doctor of Philosophy, 1999 On the other hand, the child's brain fibres, being unable to resist the torrent of these spirits, were entirely dissipated, and is that this counter-attack did not begin with Shaftesbury, but with the nonconformist anti-Puritan divines and their late- though similar behaviour in a bee or a wasp, beings well provided with means of self-defence, would be unnatural and 2 Economics, imaginary and 4.4 Adaptlvltyand real (145) counter-adaptlvny (156) CHAPTER FIVE In the penal colony: ro practicall y anything yo u ca n think of mea ns th a t the entire working world is informed by thousands of ant i- M urphy representing a dominant class, caste, race, or sex - the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Male, or WASP, for examp le - or by and badly-led, the Highland army was fi rst decim ated by a torrent of fire from the royal artillery, th en smashed itself to
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