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2020/05/19 Cookies are small text files that websites place on the computers and mobile devices of people who visit those websites. A Cookies Policy is the policy used to inform users about the use of cookies by a website or an app. These Cookies Notification - Action required This website uses cookies to provide user authentication and improve your user experience. Please indicate whether you consent to our site placing these cookies on your device. You can change 不正なソフトウェアやインストールした覚えのないその他のプログラムを手動でパソコンから削除することもできます。 Finder を開きます。 左側の [アプリケーション] をクリックします。見覚えのないプログラムがないか確認します。 不要なプログラムの名前を右クリックします。 multimedia content player session cookies, such as flash player cookies, for the duration of a session load balancing session cookies and other technical cookies, for the duration of session user interface customisation cookies, for a browser session or a few hours, when additional information in a prominent location is provided (e.g. “uses cookies” … 2011/02/21